Global Vision 2020

With eyeglass frames, lenses, eye charts and reading glasses from Global Vision 2020, Wes loves to bless others in challenging places. In 2019 he provided eyeglass dispensing services for Syrian refugees in four locations in eastern Turkey and northern Iraq. Plans are in place to carry out more distribution trips in the future, when the pandemic allows for more travel, to other places in North Africa and the Middle East, as well as a hopeful return to northern Iraq. With so much wealth in the our homelands, blessing others who have almost nothing with eyeglasses, some seeing well for the first time, seems like a wise use of resources. If you’d like to participate in a future trip through advertising, financial support or being part of the trip, contact pastor Wes.

Eyeglass Distribution Trip Planned for March 2022

After having lived in the Arab/Muslim world for over 17 years, teaching at the post-secondary level, Wes made an initial eyeglass distribution trip in 2019, visiting both eastern Turkey and northern Iraq, examining the eyes of refugees who needed both distance and reading glasses. Using supplies manufactured by Global Vision 2020, and their unique patented U-see vision measuring device, he provided assistance to refugees needing glasses costing only $4.19CA/pair of eyeglasses. A total of 486 clients were seen in Turkey and Iraq over the course of ten days and 458 pairs of glasses were dispensed.  The objective for the distribution trip in 2022 is to have two one-week distribution clinics in the region, and develop contacts for the future creation of a safe and reliable location for distribution to the wider region. Partners on the ground are excited for this return visit which is tentatively scheduled for the second half of March 2022. One eyeglass kit is $1,821 US, which contains 550 pairs of distance and reading glasses. The goal of this trip is to raise funds and deliver four eyeglass kits and then distribute two kits during the two one-week clinics. Two additional eyeglass kits will remain in storage to begin the creation of a depot for future distribution throughout the region and for upcoming trips. Other funds will be used for travel expenses to and from the region. All funds raised (less a small processing fee by the charity) will be used for this distribution trip or be placed in an account for future eyeglass distribution. The eyeglasses themselves are the major costs of this project. For more information or with specific questions about this work, contact Wes through the Dalemead Church Facebook page.

If you would like to financially support this upcoming effort, or would be interested in a demonstration of how the program works, you can contact Dr. Thiessen through the Dalemead Church Facebook page or you can donate through the web at this link. This is a secure website and no credit card or personal information will be stored on the web. All donations are tax deductible through the charity administering funds for the project.

Here are some photos from the 2019 eyeglass distribution trip to Turkey and Iraq.