Day of Prayer – March 15, 2021

 Day of Prayer for Strathmore and Beyond

The Strathmore Ministerial Association invites you to join us in a Day of Prayer on Monday, March 15. This date marks a year from the initial lockdown announced by our Government on Mar. 15, 2020. The following prayer has been submitted by the Strathmore Ministerial Association to be prayed by all who wish to participate. If you are able, please pray each section of this prayer with us on the hour specified.

10am – “Blessed are You oh Lord God, Creator and Sustainer of the universe. Thank You for the life You have given each one of us, and for the air we breathe each day. It is only by Your mercy, love and grace that we exist. Your Holy Word tells us that we “are fearfully and wonderfully made” and that no one knows us like You do. Forgive us for not acknowledging that more often.

11amLord, for a year now we have been experiencing the chaos created by Covid-19, and even though we are doing what we believe necessary to change its course, it is taking its toll on us. We have asked You to remove this terrible virus Lord, but for reasons we may not understand, You have not. Lord, today we are asking You again. Father in Heaven, we humble ourselves before You, and acknowledge our dependence on You. In your Holy Word we read that You are “our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of need.” Lord, we need Your help! Lord, hear our prayer.

12 noonWe thank You for all levels of Government Leadership; Federal, Provincial, Municipal, and Town Council. We ask you to bless them with wisdom as they govern during this very difficult time in our lives. We thank you for the wisdom with which You have gifted those in the Medical and Scientific research and development, Doctors and Nurses and others who are able to develop and administer remedies that bring relief from illness. Lord, we ask You to grant them what is needed to continue to battle this invisible enemy. We thank You, oh Gracious God.

1pmWe thank You for our Caregivers and First Responders at every level in our Hospitals and Care Facilities and ask You to grant them mental, physical and emotional health and strength. Strengthen them with your Spirit, that through their work many will be restored to health. Lord, we pray also that all who are affected by Covid-19, through illness, isolation or anxiety, may find relief and recovery. We thank You for our Front-line people who go to work every day to serve and supply the needs to which there is never an end. May Your mercy be upon them as well.

2pmFather we bring our children before You and ask You to be gracious to them too! We pray Your guidance and direction as they continue to learn in our schools and at home. We pray for wisdom from You for our Teachers, that they would continue on, diligently providing our children with the necessary tools to stretch out on their own when that time comes for each one.

3pmBless our parents too, Lord. Oh Lord, bless our parents. In Your created order You designed parents to be the authority in our homes. You have designed parent-hood to be an example of Your goodness and mercy and love, to bring up children in ways that honor You and the life You have given them, and to approach life and love and work with dignity, and in ways that give back and continue to contribute to Your world. Lord, bless our parents and our children!

4pmLord, we need Your help in restoring and sustaining our economy. We pray for men and women whose businesses have closed, for those who have lost their jobs and are experiencing financial difficulties. We pray Your hand upon them, and may we respond to the needs that are evident in our community.

5pmThank You Lord, for those in the Military, Law Enforcement and Fire Fighting. Grant safety as they often are called into dangerous and unknown situations, and bless them for the sacrifices they make for the good of all of us. Bless also their families and keep them safe.

6pm Lord, there many others whom we have not mentioned; but You know who they are and what they contribute to the cause of health, peace, unity and love. We hold them up to You too Lord. Lord, we have come to You with thankful hearts, knowing that You can grant us here in Strathmore, Wheatland County and beyond, even in this world, what we need to continue on with life as we once knew it, and for that we pray in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.”